Future Station Status

November 4, 2024

The design team for Loudoun County’s Philomont Fire and Rescue Station replacement is making significant progress on the construction documents as part of the current design phase for the project. In the last several weeks, construction design documents at the 95% stage were completed. The completion of the construction documents is necessary for the procurement of a construction contractor in the next phase of the project following the design phase.

The design phase of the new facility is expected to be complete in the spring of 2025. Construction of the station is expected to begin by the end of 2025, with the new facility to be completed and open in 2027.

For more information about the Philomont Fire and Rescue Station project, including a link to sign up for email and text updates about the project, visit loudoun.gov/philomontstation.  

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August 1, 2024

Posted on July 30, 2024 at 9:51 AM by Heidi Kellum

The design team for Loudoun County’s Philomont Fire and Rescue Station replacement is making progress on the construction documents as part of the current design phase for the project. In the last several weeks, construction documents at the 35% stage were completed. Over the summer and through to fall, the team will develop 75% construction documents for review. The completion of the construction documents is necessary for the procurement of a construction contractor in the next phase of the project following the design phase.

The design phase of the new facility is expected to be complete in the spring of 2025. Construction of the station is expected to begin by the end of 2025, with the new facility to be completed and open in 2027.

For more information about the Philomont Fire and Rescue Station project, including a link to sign up for email and text updates about the project, visit loudoun.gov/philomontstation.  

April 10, 2024 Loudoun County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopt plan for new Philomont Fire-Rescue Station on the Fire Departments Training Grounds

By a Unanmious vote of 9-0-0 the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors approved the Zoning Special Exception to build the new fire-rescue station of the fire departments Training Grounds at their April 10, 2024 Public Hearing

See April 11, 2024 Loudoun Times Article:


April 10, 2024 - The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors has on their agenda the Philomont Fire Rescue Station Project the CMPT and SPEX discussion.  

See https://www.loudoun.gov/4853/About-Board-of-Supervisors-Meetings for more information.

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors had on their March 13 Public Hearing agenda the Philomont Fire Rescue Station Project but it was deferred to April 10, 2024 due to the March 13 Public Hearing Full agenda.

April 9, 2024 - The Finance, Government Operations and Economic Development Committee recommended to the Board of Supervisors that no further analysis be conducted on the alternate Philomont Fire and Rescue Station locations.  The vote was 5 (Supervisors Matt LeTourneau [Committee Chair], Juli Briskman, Koran Saines, Phyllis Randall, Kristen Umstattd) - 0 - 0.

See LoudounNow Article - https://www.loudounnow.com/news/alternate-philomont-fire-house-sites-ruled-out-by-board-panel/article_c6ea62ae-f764-11ee-9d1c-53606961b16c.html

January 10, 2024 - The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors has on their agenda the Philomont Fire Rescue Station Project the CMPT and SPEX discussion.  See https://www.loudoun.gov/4853/About-Board-of-Supervisors-Meetings for more information.

January 11, 2024 Loudoun Now Article re: the January 10, 2024 Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Meeting


January 17, 2024 Loudoun Times Mirror arcticle re: the January 10, 2024 Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Meeting


December 14, 2023 - Loudoun County Planning Commission Work Session - Zoning Special Exception Approved

At the December 14, 2023, the Loudoun County Planning Commission approved the Zoning Special Exception to build a new station on the Philomont Fire Rescue Training Grounds (37180 Snickersville Turnpike) by a vote 5 in Favor, 2 Opposed, and 2 Absent

Read the LoudounNow article for additional details:


December 9, 2023 - Tour the Award Winning Lucketts Station

The Philomont Volunteer Fire Department is seeking your support for the building of a new fire rescue station on the Training Grounds (37180 Snickersville Turnpike).  

Scan the QR Code to Register Your Support!

Guided Tour of Existing Station - December 2, 2023

Stop by on Saturday December 2, 2023 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm for a Guided Facility Tour of the existing fire station.

October 2023

Loudoun County Planning Commission Special Exception (SPEX) Meeting- Oct 24, 2023 at 6:00pm

Members of the public can provide comments regarding a legislative application for a Special Exception (SPEX) and Commission Permit (CMPT) for the Loudoun County Fire and Rescue facility to be constructed in the village of Philomont at an upcoming Planning Commission Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The Planning Commission meeting will be held at the Loudoun County Government Center in the Board Room at 1 Harrison Street, SE., Leesburg, VA 20177. View more information about the meeting, including signing up to speak, on the Planning Commission page (https://onboard.loudoun.gov/board/3524) plan to build the new station at 37180 Snickersville Turnpike (the old horse show grounds) continues to move forward in the process with the submission of the Special Exception documents.

See  https://www.loudoun.gov/Blog.aspx?IID=1188 for more information

July 2023

The plan to build the new station at 37180 Snickersville Turnpike (the old horse show grounds) continues to move forward in the process with the submission of the Special Exception documents.

The Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure has completed the 2nd Feasibility Study (to renovate and add an addition to the existing station) with a recommendation to "Based on the study findings, the project team does not recommend initiating a change to the current plan to utilize the property at 37180 Snickersville Turnpike to construct the new Philomont Fire and Rescue Station."

See  https://www.loudoun.gov/Blog.aspx?IID=1188 for more information

LoudounNow Article: July 24, 2023, Reporter Renss Greene

The county government has taken the unusual step of commissioning a study of a design proposal from the community, the planned Philomont Fire and Rescue Station replacement.

The county’s current plans would see the current fire station, in the heart of the village, shut down and a new station built at the Philomont horse show grounds, where the community’s long-running horse show was retired in 2020. Members of the community have repeatedly spoken out against those plans, urging the county to instead renovate and expand the current fire station, while the county fire department has argued it’s infeasible to bring the old station up to modern safety standards.

County staff members—and the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department which owns both the current station and the horse show grounds—have continued to oppose the community push.

Consulting firm FGM Architects studied a proposal from Bill Ridge for renovating and expanding the current fire station. Depending on whether the county moves or works around the cell tower behind the building, the consultants estimated a cost of $22.7 million to $24 million, compared to the current $16.7 million estimate for the county’s plans. That study doesn’t include buying the current property from the volunteers—according to county staff, while the volunteer department is willing to give the county the horse show grounds for free, they have not indicated a willingness to sell the fire station. The county staff report also warns there will likely be unexpected expenses that arise when work begins on the old firehouse, from issues that have not been found due to limited testing while the firehouse is in operation.

A proposal for using the Philomont fire station's current site for a renovated and expanded fire station, rather than replacing it with a new station at the Philomont horse show grounds.

It also doesn’t include the cost of setting up a temporary fire station while the current station is renovated and expanded—while community members have argued that wouldn’t be necessary, county staff insist it would. And county staff also raised the question of parking on the site, and where to locate the cell tower if it is moved.

By comparison, county staff members reported the county will spend $18.5 million to build Aldie Fire and Rescue Station, and $16.1 to build Lovettsville Fire & Rescue, both at a lower cost per square foot than either option for Philomont. County staff members continue to recommend—and the county board is still on track to build—the county-proposed new fire station on the horse show grounds.

“I think the community concern, that I completely understand, is in every community, especially in small communities, the is one place that becomes the center of the community and the community gathering place, that has a historic and sentimental value to it,” Chair Phyllis J. Randall (D-At Large) said. “For this community, the horse show grounds is that.”

The study presented to the county board’s finance committee on July 11 is the second study on renovating the current firehouse property. The same consulting firm, at the time called LeMay Erickson Willcox Architects, studied a county design for that idea in 2021, at that time also finding the concept was feasible but more expensive.

Currently, construction funding for the fire station replacement is planned for Fiscal Year 2025, which begins July 1, 2024.

See https://www.loudounnow.com/news/loudoun/county-consultant-studies-community-s-philomont-firehouse-proposal/article_bd38da08-2a4e-11ee-8d86-8bdcf739cfbe.html for a direct copy of the article

January 2023

December 2022

Public Information Meeting - December 8, 2022

If you were unable to attend this December 8, 2022 Community Meeting and/or wish to review the presented material, the Loudoun County Department of Transportation and Capital Improvement has posted the Community Meeting information and presentations at: https://www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation 

The comment period is open through January 5, 2023.

see www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation for future updates and other resources.

November 2022

Public Information Meeting - December 8, 2022

Loudoun County will host an in-person public meeting on Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., at the Franklin Park Arts Center, 36441 BLueridge View Lane, in Purcellville. More details to come. At the meeting, the team will present a rendered site plan, an architectural floor plan, and building elevations.

see www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation for future updates and other resources.

September 2022

see www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation for future updates and other resources.

June 2022

see www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation for future updates and other resources.

March 2022

see www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation for future updates and other resources.

December 2021

see www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation for future updates and other resources.

September 14, 2021

At the September 30, 2020 meeting, Loudoun County Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure (DTCI) was tasked by Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Tony Buffington (Blue Ridge District) and Phyllis Randall (Chair-at-Large) to do an assessment of the current site of the existing station. 

The study looked at four options at the current site:

Scheme 1A: Renovation of the existing facility without a new addition.

Scheme 1B: Renovation of the existing facility with a new addition.

Scheme 2: Demolition of the existing facility and construction of a new facility.

Scheme 3: Combine the Fire Station property with the adjacent community center property. 

On September 9, 2021, DTCI hosted a Community Meeting at Woodgrove High School (Purcellville, VA) and presented their findings.  A copy of that presentation and recording of the meeting can be found (located under Materials/Powerpoint presentation or recording) at: 


DTCI's Executive Summary stated: "Upon review of the feasibility study and available information, it is the recommendation of [the LC DTCI] staff to not use the current Philomont Fire Station site and to utilize the Horse Show Grounds site for this project."

Please contact the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) via email: mailbox@philomontvfd.org for any questions or comments regarding the meeting, the report, or what you can do to support the PVFD.  To show your support, you can also email the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors at email: bos@loudoun.gov

Using the DTCI Report and findings and community input, The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors plan to vote on the station location at their October 5, 2021 Board Meeting.

For the official information about the Loudoun County - Philomont Future Fire Station Project 

Loudoun County Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure 

see www.loudoun.gov/philomontstation

The Loudoun County Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure (DTCI), in cooperation with the Philomont Volunteer Fire and Loudoun County Fire Rescue have developed a 3-page Fact sheet that describes the Philomont Fire station Project - see https://www.loudoun.gov/DocumentCenter/View/162561/Final-Philomont-fact-sheet-revised-10-15-2020-FINAL . Please check the DTCI Project Page often as they continue to update the Project web page with new information - https://www.loudoun.gov/.../Philomont-Fire-and-Rescue...

The Philomont Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) Board of Directors, Officers, and members would like to thank everyone that attended the Wednesday Sept 30, 2020 (6:30pm-09:00pm) Loudoun County Fire/Rescue (LCFR) Philomont Fire Station Project held person-to-person at Woodgrove High School, Purcellville, VA as well as virtually via webex. The meeting was hosted and moderated by LCFR. In attendance were Supervisor Tony Buffington with Staff Aide Robin Bartok, Supervisor Phyllis Randall's Staff Aide Elizabeth Bennis and staff from LCFR, the LC Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure (DTCI) Deputy Director Bruce Johnston, the LC Department of General Services Director Ernie Brown, PVFD leadership, and approximately 40 in-person attendees and numerous virtual attendees. As the meeting opened, Supervisor Buffington announced that Fire/Rescue Services are critical to the community and doing nothing was not an option and that Loudoun County would be conducting a formal analysis and assessment of the old fire station to see if it could be renovated/rebuilt or whether a new physical station is needed on a different site to meet future Fire/Rescue needs and requirements. A presentation was provided by LCFR defining the project and identifying the many known deficiencies in the existing station. PVFD provided comment on its preferred location of a new station at the old Horse Show Ground and how the old station could be converted into a community asset in the form of a community civic/recreational center. The presentation was followed by over 1.5 hours of community speaker comments and questions. For those that attended or were unable to attend the community meeting, we invite you to review the unabridged version of the presentation and a recording of the community meeting at the DTCI Philomont Fire Station Project web page https://www.loudoun.gov/.../Philomont-Fire-and-Rescue... . There was also a discussion about the November 3 Ballot Referendum for a funding option for the new station, with Supervisor Buffington explaining that voting “No” on the referendum would only increase the cost of the project, but would have no impact on plans to provide a safe and healthy alternative to the old firehouse. In closing, Supervisor Buffington and LCFR Chief Keith Johnson thanked everyone for attending and following COVID-19 guidelines of wearing a mask and social distancing. We hope everyone who attended walked away with a better understanding of the project and the needs for a new station. 

UPDATE:  How to sign up to speak

For those wishing to attend the meeting in person, the meeting will be at Woodgrove High School at 36811 Allder School Road in Purcellville. Social distancing will be observed and masks will be required for all those attending the in-person meeting.

For those wishing to attend the meeting virtually, they can log in at


For those wishing to speak in-person and virtually, please sign up at this link http://bit.ly/PhilomontSignUp. Virtual speakers will need to be signed in to the meeting with a computer using a microphone or phone with id number to speak.

Due to time constraints, it is possible that we will not get to all those wishing to speak. You will be called to speak in the order your request was received, and we will do our best to hear all speakers. All speakers will be limited to 2 minutes.

Please note, during this meeting, you can post a question in the question box. The moderator will read during the live meeting as many questions as possible following the question and answer time.

To only listen by phone: 1-844-992-4726; Access Code: 173 370 7656

For any questions about this event or to submit your question ahead of time, please email us at LCFRPIO@Loudoun.gov.

Philomont Fire Station - Future County Project

Learn about the plans and need for a new station and its proposed location.
We are committed to our mission and to your health and safety,
now and into the future. We look forward to your support.

In 2019, the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department held its 62nd and final Philomont Spring Horse Show fundraiser. Due to dwindling participation both with show volunteers and equestrian participants, it was decided to gracefully retire the horse show and move into a new era. The PVFD owned training facilities property where the show was held is in consideration for future expansion to provide modern facilities for the fire and rescue personnel, and increased services to the local communities.  For more information, please read our Winter Newsletter, most notably the Message from our Chairman of the Board which has also been posted here.

On Wednesday, September 30 from 6:30-8:30 PM the Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System in partnership with the Department of Transportation and Capital Infrastructure and the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department will present their plans for the Philomont Fire Station Project. During this time they will answer the audence’s questions concerning the project.

For those wishing to attend the meeting in person, the meeting will be held at Woodgrove High School at 36811 Allder School Road in Purcellville. Social distancing will be observed and masks will be required for all those attending the in-person meeting.

Download the meeting flyer

For those wishing to attend the meeting virtually, log in at bit.ly/PhilomontStation.

For any questions about this event or to submit your question ahead of time, please email LCFRPIO@Loudoun.gov.

Additional information regarding this meeting is available at loudoun.gov/remoteparticipation