Philomont Volunteer Fire Department Company Business Meetings are typically scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m unless otherwise scheduled/posted. Company Business Meetings are conducted virtually (until further notice). Contact us at email: if you wish to learn more or attend a meeting (please provide your name and contact information).
The next Company Business Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 7:30pm and will be virtual.
Open Burning Permitted - October 1, 2024 to April 14, 2025
see Loudoun County Burning Regulations at
for more information
June 1, 2023 - Loudoun County Road Renaming Initiative 2022-2023
Jeb Stuart Road name changed to Philomont Road
see for more information
Open Burning Prohibited - May 1 to September 30, 2023
see Loudoun County Burning Regulations at
for more information
Earth Day 2023 - Keep Philomont Beautiful
This Saturday April 22, 2023 marks the 53rd Anniversary of Earth Day. The World Theme for Earth Day this year is “Invest in our Planet”.
This year the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department is cooperating with the Philomont Community Center to help celebrate Earth Day. The Philomont Community Center will be hosting events at the Community Center on Sunday April 23 and in concert with Loudoun’s Keep Loudoun Beautiful, there will be a Keep Philomont Beautiful event over the weekend with a focus on trash collection along our local roads. Have a busy weekend planned? That’s okay, you can do trash collection anytime over the weekend. This is a great way for children to learn of a civic responsibility in helping to keep their community beautiful.
1- For Safety, please look to wear bright colored cloths for visibility to oncoming traffic. Also move off the roadway to the road shoulder for oncoming and passing traffic.
2- Orange (for trash) and Blue (for recyclables] will be available for pickup at the Community Center for use in the trash collection. When you have completed your trash pickup, the orange and blue bags can be left off near the back shed of the fire department or you can leave the bags at any of the major road intersections along a road segment. Bag pickup will be conducted by the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department members late Sunday April 23.
3- Wear plastic gloves if available.
Below is a list of road/street segments the trash collection will focus on this year. Please send an email to to sign up for a particular street/road segment. We will let you know if someone else has already signed up for the road segment you are interested in.
If you can’t help this year that’s okay, we are hoping to make this an annual event.
Be Safe and Have Fun!
Virginia Department of Historic Resources Philomont Historic District Preliminary Information Form
Several community members have approached the fire department and asked how to obtain a copy for their review of the VA Dept of Historic Resources Philomont Historic District Preliminary Information Form (PIF) DHR No. 053-6509 as proposed by the Philomont Village Foundation (PVF).
See below for a copy of the PIF.
The Philomont Volunteer Fire Department (PVFD) does not support the approval of this Historic District PIF as drafted for the following reasons:
(1) It is the belief of the PVFD that a goal of this historic district PIF is to stop, delay, defer, or subvert the building of the new station at the PVFD property at 37180 Snickersville Turnpike (formally known as the Horse Show Grounds) and could adversely impact the future use of the existing station once the new station is built. Note that the property at 37180 Snickersville Turnpike has no Historic or permanent structures on it.
(2) The proposed historic district boundary appears to be subjective in nature, selectively including some Philomont properties while not others.
(3) Discussions with Local Real Estate agents indicate that properties within the historic district boundaries designation could be adversely impacted in the future sellability and value of those properties.
(4) Once the designation has been approved, there is no opportunity to reverse course and remove any of the properties for the present and future property owners.
(5) Even though the designation of Historic District is an honorary designation there is no guarantee that the system and designation could not change and become more restrictive.
(6) There is no guarantee that future historic designation proposals will not be introduced by the Philomont Village Foundation or other entity that would impose more restrictive conditions on Philomont property owners ( via local historic district rules and regulations, ie A Loudoun County Historic Overlay or Small Area Plan)
(7) The honorary designation does not protect the property owners use and what they can do to their properties and therefore does little, if anything, in the form of "Historic" protection.
(8) Due to the historic district application requirements for boundary continuity, the proposed boundary includes structures on properties that are less than 20 years old.
(9) The proposed historic district boundary fails to include structures and properties with significant historic recognition and value.
(10) As a note - No Philomont Village Foundation Board Members reside within the proposed district boundary and their residences would not be impacted by the historic district designation.

Open Burning Permitted after 4:00pm
February 15, 2023 - April 30, 2023